Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Unbiased headline

Is the Democrat party writing the headlines for stories in the Marietta Times?

"Ohio Democrats want to create jobs" Maybe it's just me, but the first thought that came to mind was the implication that the Republicans don't want to create jobs. What the headline should have said was "Ohio Democrats want to create government jobs".

A couple of thoughts on this story:


"Sen. Jimmy Stewart, R-Athens, said Monday he's willing to look at Democratic proposals, but has some reservations. For example, he favors the veteran bonus plan vetoed by Gov. Ted Strickland, which would have paid for the bonuses out of the state's rainy day fund.
"The bill that we passed used current resources... instead of going deeper in debt," Stewart said."

Contrast this sentiment to Rep. Charlie Wilson's (D) deficit spending and it's a breath of fresh air.


"Stewart said he's not opposed to the idea but believes fixing the state's unconstitutional education system is the priority and he's skeptical of Strickland's plan.
"That would be helpful," Stewart said of the distance learning initiative, "but what would be even more helpful was if the governor's school funding plan wasn't taking money from some of the poorest districts in the state....""

Then you have Strickland and Debbie Phillips telling us they had an "education funding plan" and they were going to fix "school funding". Then when the "plan" is revealed, it actually reduces funding to many schools in Appalachia....some of the poorest in the state. What kind of a fix is that? As Jimmy stated in another story recently that the Strickland / Phillips plan would actually increase the dependence on property taxes in some districts. This is the main reason Strickland and Phillips said we needed to "fix" school funding in the first place. What they've done is actually made our school funding situation worse.

I hope Strickland and Debbie Phillips don't try to fix anything else!

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