Friday, February 20, 2009

Government solutions are not solutions

There are an estimated 2.2 million Americans still unprepared for the digital television transition.

How long have these folks been warned that this change was coming? At least a year.

The government even gave coupons for folks to purchase their own converter boxes. (of course "gave" is not the right word. these "free" coupons were paid for by the taxpayers)

Of course we now have Congressman "pork belly" Charlie Wilson here to "help" us again.
  • First he votes for a financial "bailout" bill that cost $700,000,000,000.
  • Then he votes for a "stimulus" bill (without reading it) that cost $787,000,000,000.

both of these bills are not paid for. They are deficit spending. Writing blank / bad checks that our kids will (one day) have to pay.

  • Now he wants to force banks to renegotiate mortgages with people that signed a contract to repay their loans to the banks. Who will pay for that? You, of course. It doesn't matter that you've paid your bills on time and honored your commitments. Not only will you pay for your house, but now you'll help pay for someone else's.
  • Now Congressman Wilson wants to move the deadline for TV stations switching to all digital. So, these people that are not ready for the switch, can get ready. What's he going to do in June when we still have people not ready? We've already had plenty of time.

Wilson thinks the government is the answer to all our problems when it actually is the problem.

Did anyone even notice when the cell phone companies switched from analogue to digital? It was a "seamless" transition that most folks never even knew happened. This is the difference between having the government run a program vs private businesses.

You voters that thought this guy (Charlie Wilson) was a conservative democrat (oxymoron), you've been fooled, he's a full blown Obama style socialist.

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