Monday, May 27, 2013

Some thoughts on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day to remember those who gave their lives serving this country.

The meaninng seems to get lost (at least this section of the state) in that it's turned into a rememberance day for all dead friends and relatives.  All good to do, of course, but the intent of Memorial Day is to remember a solder, sailor, airman, marine who lost their life in duty to their country.

If you don't have a relative that meets this criteria, there are many forgotten graves in the country side that have such men in them.  Adopt one of these graves, keep the headstone repaired or at least level, so it won't fall over.  Mow the grave once in awhile, if the township doesn't own the cemetery.

It's a real shame when you visit a cemetery and see a pile of headstones thrown over the hill.  Untended/maintained headstones fall over, get hit by mowers, etc.  Then the grave location is lost and before you know it, the headstone is gone.

A little care, even once a year, to ensure the headstone is in good shape, level and won't fall over makes the senerio in teh above paragraphs less likely.

The other issue is that we have too many dead service mean due to un-needed wars.

Civil War should never have happened.  The hypocracy of this war is unbelievable.  600,000 dead soldiers.  If the war was about southen states attempting to succeed (which Lincoln said he had no desire to free the slaves and his emancipation proclomation only affected slaves in the north) why did Lincoln allow the north western portion of Virginia to succeed for Virginia and become West Virginia?

This war was about establishing (once and for all) the supremacy of the federal government over the States. 

Spanish/American War:  not needed
WWI: not needed, if we would have kept our noses out of it, and let Germany and England/France fight it out and end up with a comprimise that did not put Germany on the path to Socialism and Hitler.
WWII: See above.  Though one has to wonder how much Churchhill and Roosevelt really wanted a avoid the war.  Especially when Rodulf Hess flew to England with a peace propsal from Germany, but was immediately put in prison for life.  He eventrually "committed suicide".
Here was his propsal:
a) Withdrawal of all German Troops from Poland, Belgium, France & Holland.
b) Reimbursement for war damage to those countries
c) Total German disarmament
d) Destruction of all German war weaponry.

Korean War:  Um, it's Korea, how was/is this a concern of the US?  Fighting Communism would not have been needed if WWI wouldn't have happened.  Germany would have still been a force to counterbalance Communism in Europe, then the spread of Communism would not have had a free hand to spread.
Vietnam War:  See above and change Korea to Vietnam.
Persian Gulf War: Obviously about oil and the dollar and how the oil trade is conducted exclusively via the dollar.  If it was about Saddam, they would have went and got him.

Many, Many men have died fighting for this country in stupid, stupid wars.  Very sad.

One more thing.  I think this is the only thing I can remember agreeing with Obama on.  He did not cave to the war mongers in the GOP, the press or his own party to get involved in Syria.  We don't need to be there and it's none of our business.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Some good news in the internet tax scheme

House Speaker Boehner unlikely to support Internet sales tax bill

 This is good news.

 Too bad Rob Portman voted for this tax raising bill.  Which probably means that Bill Johnson will vote for it.

 How in the world can we say that states "loose 24 billion a year" by not collecting this tax.  They never lost it, they never had it to begin with.  If this isn't government think, I don't know what is.

 The reall story is, if this passes, $24,000,000,000 will move from citizens to the government.  That's really not lost, it's just in our pockets and the states want it, including Ohio.

 Our tax and spend Ohio GOP Governors try to act like democrats when in office.

Voinovich (soda pop isn't food, so we'll tax it) and Taft and Kasich (lets tax our newly found natural gas out of business), all increased taxes.

 Can't blame the democrats on this as they had only a 2 year window with a majority in the house in the past 20 or so years.  Strickland was the only democrat sandwiched between Taft and Kasich and that was only for 4 years.

Is it any wonder why Ohio is rated as the 47th least business friendly state in the Union?        

Counterfeiter Stivers at it again

Republican Representative Steve Stivers is at it again.

Now he wants to make all of our coins out of STEEL!  Unbelievable.

Money is supposed to be worth something.

If it costs more money to make money, there is a problem.  It's called government spending and creating inflation.

Money should be made of something valuable.....unlike the "full faith and credit of the United States"....which, of course is a joke.

I'll take gold, silver, copper and nickel any day over just words.

Story here

previous posts here, and here.