Monday, December 19, 2011

Time to hoard Nickels

Rep. Steve Stivers thinks it's a bad thing for it to cost money to make money.

Here's his latest bill to change to composition of the Nickel to worthless steel.

Why do we let our government give us worthless money?

Paper backed by nothing.
A penny is worth; 0 cents
A dime is worth; .02 cents
A quarter is worth; .05 cents
A dollar coin is worth; .06 cents

But a Nickel is worth it's face value in the metal that it's made of; .05 cents

Coin clipping, inflation, funny money...all stuff of dishonest governments.

previous post on subject

Here's the difference, money made of metal worth something:

1909-1982 penny, made of copper (hence the name "copper penny") is worth .02 cents.
pre 64 dime; $2.08
pre 64 quarter; $5.21
pre 64 half dollar; $10.42
pre 64 dollar coin; $22.29

So, the government steals from us in more ways that confiscating our income, they give us fake money and pass it off for full value.
See what your "money" is really worth here, at

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