Thursday, February 26, 2009

Slopping the hogs in Athens County

More spending funny money from this so called "stimulus" bill. It's actually a stimulus bill for government at all levels.

"THE OU AIRPORT has asked for $3,193,575 to “remove obstructions in runway approaches, improve aircraft parking apron, and install approach lighting.”"

Athens News story

In Meigs County and Washington County.

This is nothing more than buying your vote with your own money.

I'm still waiting for our Congressman, Charlie (Pork Belly) Wilson, to start saying no to deficit spending. I thought he was supposed to be a "conservative" democrat?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wonder what OU did with the $800,000 Charlie Wilson and Zack Space got for the airport last year? Remember that was their big “win” for voting for all of Nancy’s bills.

    I drive around Meigs and Athens counties and I half to ask, who the heck use this airport? It’s certainly not the people I am associated with.

    You know Charlie is supposed to be a Christian Catholic too, yet he votes for all of Barney Frank’s pro-homosexual bills. The guy is a charlatan.


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