Friday, February 27, 2009

EnviroNazis IV

Pomeroy Daily Sentinel story

"The Sierra Club has requested the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency become involved in the regulatory process for Mountaineer’s CCS."

The Sierra Club knows they can't sway Gov. Manchin in West Virginia to cut his state's throat with crazy rules, they are now trying to get Ohio's EPA to try to stop this coal power plant in West Virginia. They will stop at nothing and they have no shame.

If you haven't noticed the Sierra Club's modus operandi yet, here it is.

Make private companies spend millions / billions of dollars to install scrubbers or other devices to reduce the amount of the so called green house gases.

Then when the companies try to obtain permits to run these new devices (that were demanded by the EnviroNazis to begin with) they put up road blocks to slow down or stop the implementation.

They want us to use NO COAL period. It should be obvious by now. The public and our power companies (which we need, by the way) should not bow to these earth worshipers.

They say they care about Meigs county and neighboring counties, they don't, they want to keep us poor and dependent on government handouts. They're not even from here as detailed in a previous post.

On a side note, has anyone wondered why West Virginia is coasting through this economic downturn? Could it be that they have a conservative Governor

that doesn't spend outside WV's ability to repay? The other reason could be that WV is sitting on massive amount of black gold and they do not let the EnviroNazis scare them. We could learn from our friends to the southeast.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone I encounter who gets anywhere near these "Nastyez"
    conveys their being appalled by their unkempt and soiled appearance.

    I don't believe they have the skill sets or ambitito to merge with society to work and produce anything except criticism

    Failing to work and earn wages and respect, they cannot afford to buy either soap or decent clothing.
    Otherwise, how does one explain their inconsistent desires for clean things when they appear to have just lost a wrestling match with hogs?

    I wonder if the pictured tuba player can really play that tuba? Or is he just full of wind like all the other EnviroNazis (Nastyez) who for the most part shun deodorant use and smell to high heaven. Why would any reasonable person even listen to them?


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