Monday, February 23, 2009

Dow and S&P 500 at '97 lows

Big losses send the two major gauges to levels not seen in nearly 12 years.

I thought Obama was going to save us? Perhaps the stimulus bill that Obama and Pork Belly Charlie Wilson passed wasn't very stimulating after all?

Another way to word this headline is "S&P lower during the first 30 days of the Obama administration than it ever was under the Bush administration."

I'm beginning to think that Obama wants the market to collapse, then he could "fix" it.

He's sure playing the media, apparently not to their displeasure. Today he had a deficit "summit". So, now he's worried about the deficit, right after he signed the largest spending bill in history. I'll bet not one reporter will ask him about this obvious inconsistency.

1 comment:

  1. Don’t ask and don’t tell. The elite media and everyone who voted for this administration (unfortunately including those of us who didn’t) are going to suffer from this mistake for quite some time. A few weeks ago, I had some market day traders telling me the Dow would never go below 8000. No one really has a handle on it now. We’re all on the rollercoaster ride now, whether we want to be or not.


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