Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Out of the closet, faster than thought.

Brundage (Obama's spokesman) said Obama supports reviving the expired ban on assault weapons and making it permanent. And he backs closing the “gun show loophole,” whereby individuals may buy weapons from other individuals without background checks or other regulation.

Here's the story.

This administration is nothing but a Clinton sequel.

"Assault weapons ban": Also known as the Clinton gun ban. It banned guns that people use for hunting squirrels! The Ruger 1022 and other normal hunting guns. You want a concealed carry weapon that has more than 10 rounds? Not if Obama has his way.

"Gun show loophole": So, I can't give my grown child a rifle? My neighbor and I can't trade rifles? My father can't give me his pistol that his father gave him? Yes, this is what it means.

It didn't take long to see what kind of a liar Obama really is.

"“Even if I want to take them away, I don’t have the votes in Congress,’’ he said. “This can’t be the reason not to vote for me. Can everyone hear me in the back? I see a couple of sportsmen back there. I’m not going to take away your guns.’’" Obama, just before the Pennsylvania primary.

Is this "Change you can believe in"?

1 comment:

  1. I believe Obama's hidden agenda is to start a war between the American people. Trying to take away or regulate men's rights to possess firearms in these uncertain times is certain to provoke one between Liberal and Conservative Americans.
    History can and probably will repeat itself when the Constitution is threatened after the recent Supreme Amendment is an individual right.

    Just let him try and see what happens. Easy way to divert people's attention from the real problems America is facing, right?


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