Friday, February 27, 2009

Congressman Charlie Wilson votes for more pork

And he's proud of it. It's time for him to go.

Story from The Intelligencer, Wheeling News / Register

Taxpayers for Common Sense (TCS) has been going through the omnibus to pull together a total number of earmarks and dollar amount. TCS found 8,570 disclosed earmarks worth $7.7 billion. All of these items are in the budget bill that Congressman Charlie Wilson voted for.

$300,000 Montana World Trade Center. Rehberg sponsor.
$950,000 Myrtle Beach International Trade and Convention Center. Graham sponsor.
$200,000 Oil Region Alliance. Peterson sponsor.
$190,000 Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, WY for digitizing and editing the Cody collection. Barbara Cubin is the sponsor
$143,000 Las Vegas Natural History Museum, Las Vegas, NV, to expand natural history education programs. Sponsored by Harry Reid
$238,000 for the Polynesian Voyaging Society, Honolulu, HI, for educational programs. Sen. Daniel Inouye is the sponsor.
$381,000 for Jazz at Lincoln Center, New York, NY for music education programs. Jerrold Nadler is the sponsor.

There might be some very nice things to fund in these bills, but is it really the taxpayers job to fund all of these...or any of these for that matter? Also, if there is no money to fund these to begin with, we are writing blank checks that our kids will have to pay back. Didn't excessive borrowing with little means to repay get us into this mess to begin with? Now Charlie Wilson's prescription to get us out of this crisis is to borrow and spend even more.

1 comment:

  1. Here's my suggested take on all politicians who voted for this deficit spending bill.....

    Regardless of political party affiliation, every incumbent who voted for the bill
    should be voted out of office when they come up for reelection. This may be a non-issue after the U.S. Government itself bankrupts the Treasury and therefore itself.

    The only 2 ways that I see how all this will be funded is to either mortgage ourselves to a foreign power (borrow) or to roll out the printing presses which will make our present dollar value worth less (rampant inflation).

    I definitely know the tax cuts promised will be in dollars worth far less value and I also definitely perceive that taxpayers making more than $200,000 annually will find means of avoiding footing the bill for all other taxpayers to get a tax decrease. What a laugh to think any true blooded American is going to tolerate this crap.
    If Obama learned anything at all from Harvard, it was definitely not in the field of Economics.

    What really surprises and disappoints me is the apparent still voices of noted economists living in Appalachia. No inputs from OU? Well who can fight fait accompli?

    Again I concur, vote the Charlie Wilson's out or shut up and let future generations take care of our deficit spending because we had no common sense to exercise our choice and to overthrow Socialism.


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