Thursday, February 5, 2009

Phillips to serve on alternative energy

Here's a link to the Daily Sentinel story

"State Rep. Debbie Phillips, D-Athens, was named by House Speaker Armond Budish, D-Columbus, to be Vice Chairman of the Alternative Energy Committee.The Alternative Energy committee deals with the many ways Ohio can incorporate alternative energy initiatives into its economy.
“Bringing jobs to our region is my top priority. To that end, my first meeting in Columbus was held in December with Meigs County economic development officials,” Phillips said."

She's going to help Meigs County with jobs by being on the "alternative energy committee"? They don't need alternative energy when they are sitting on huge deposits of coal, cheap coal, high BTU coal. What Meigs County really needs is for her to call off her environmentalist pack of wolves from laying roadblocks, hindering the building of the proposed power plants. I won't hold my breath on that one....she's one of them.

“These committee assignments put me in a strong position to represent our region"

Maybe the windmill worshiping communes of the Amesville area, but not Meigs County.

1 comment:

  1. I believe Mattie and Debbie have a really great plan to turn Meigs County into the renewable energy capital of the world: the only problem is they will have to stand in line with the hundreds of other depressed parts of our country that are waiting in line to sign up for this pyramid scheme. Yep, renewable energy production is going to get these troubled communities out of debt and depression, all caused by reckless politicians spending money like drunken sailors in brothel. And when I last checked, Strickland, Husted, and Evans gave all the renewable energy free money (tax dollars) or corporate welfare to companies in Toledo. But I know Mattie and Debbie have a plan…now which episode of Oprah was it on again?


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