From the Monroe County Beacon
Dear Editor,
There are many questions I’d like to ask the Honorable Charlie Wilson. This letter is in response to Charlie Wilson’s letter sent to his constituents via e-mail on 8/19 “Myth vs Fact” on the Health Care Reform Bill.
Statement number five states that this “bill will not cause employer based coverage” (i.e. private) “to be crowded out by a public” (i.e. government) “Insurance option, but that a public option is only one of many choices that will be offered.” However, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that any government option (i.e. funded by our taxes) does not have to make a profit in order to stay in business and that it won’t take long before businesses will drop their private insurance plans for their employees because they can not compete with the government option. This will in turn force many people and employers to turn to the government option. Soon, the government/public option will be the only one left in business and thus we will be a country with socialized health care, see sec. 313 “Employer Contribution in Lieu of Coverage’ in HR 3200. There is no incentive to keep a private option in the plan. By year five all health care will be integrated into the federal system. In addition, as for being able to keep our health care, that is not what the document says on page 16 of the 1017 page bill or Sec. 102 “Choice to Keep Current Coverage” specifically section 102 (2) from HR 3200 which states you will have to merge into the public option if there are any policy adjustments for any reason. Doesn’t sound like we’ll have much choice.
In response to statement number 1 where you state that this bill will not create deficit spending: I ask you why should we believe a government who has failed to run our own government without a deficit and whose Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security programs are all broke - or soon will be? What makes this program any different than ones the government has already tried to run? Based upon the government’s past experiences of handling our money to fund their many programs, they will have to raise taxes to pay for this program too. They will say that costs have risen too quickly or needs are greater than expected and they must increase the tax base in order to continue this program. Once the private insurance companies are out of business, what other choice will each of us have? Each of us are already working till about April 13, every year, in order to pay the government their portion of our money (i.e. taxes). I do believe that if each of us had less taxes to pay (i.e. tax cuts), our greater in pocket cash would allow many more of us to be able to afford some health insurance.
In response to statement number six, where you state that this bill will not cut jobs. I remind you that all those people in the private insurance business, will eventually be out of a job. In addition, in my opinion, it will also dissuade people from wanting to become doctors in the future because their income will have to fixed, by controlling the amount to be paid to the doctor for any type of procedure, etc. Otherwise how else could this government run option manage their finances? So, government will artificially (not be supply/demand) keep costs down – which again is another government control – i.e. loss of the doctor’s liberty.
In response to statement number eight where you state that “There is a terrible myth being spread that health care reform promotes euthanasia.” Now granted, there is no provision in the bill to pay for euthanasia. However, all one has to realize is that there will be a set amount of funds in this program and as in every business, management is always looking for the best way to spend their capital. Unfortun-ately, it most likely will be decided upon by age of the client and the seriousness of the disease. So, if there is a choice to be made between a younger person who needs an operation and an older person who needs one (and there will be many every day), my guess is that the younger person will always win out; one of the reasons being that the elderly one has already lived most of his life and thus the younger person should be given that opportunity now. thus, the elderly will – more often than not – have reduced quality of life care, which can – though not always, lead to a desire to be put out of their pain/problems – i.e. euthanasia. This not not the case with our health care system today. Our elderly have available to them the best health care in the world.
One other point I’d like to raise that was not in his e-mail letter is that Charlie Wilson has always claimed to be a pro-life Congressman. However, in this health care reform bill, even though the term (s) abortion or abortion legislation, are not used, President Obama has said that “reproductive care is at the very heart of his health care plan.” Also, we need to look no further than the federal Medicaid statute which does not mention the word abortion, yet Medicaid had funded as many as 300,000 abortions/ year prior to the enactment of the Hyde amendment. Yet this health care overhaul bypasses the Hyde amendment – which restricts federal funding of abortions through Medicaid; even if it did apply to the health care bill, it would still have to be subject to annual re-approval. So, I ask you Congressman Wilson, how can you support a health care bill that in actuality will be killing many of the babies’ lives that you say you support?
* However, the most important question is one of constitutionality! Our Constitution has never given to the federal government the right to take over private businesses such as this administration has done with the automobile industry, banking industry, mortgage business (Fannie and Freddie) and now the health industry. Our government should never be running the private business sector. That is definitely one of the characteristics of a fascist government. As it states in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, we are a country governed “of the people, by the people, and for the people”, not by an oligarchy.
This health care reform bill takes away too much of our inalienable right of liberty and gives it to our government to dole out as they see fit – definitely a characteristic of Big Brother Govern-ment knowing what is best (socialism). Instead, let us strive to correct the problems within the private system we have today – such as tort reform, refusing illegal aliens health care who have not payed into the system, etc., all those things that cause our health care costs to skyrocket.
There are other ways to control health costs rather than to give away our liberty to control our own body’s health. I urge you to vote against this horrendous socialistic health plan and to research other ways of reducing health care costs that would enable us to maintain what is left of our free market/capitalistic society on which our country was founded. Once our liberty is gone, it is almost impossible to get back.
Let us never forget the lives and fortunes that our founding fathers sacrificed for our precious freedoms as well as Patrick Henry’s famous words: “Give me liberty or give me death.”
Sincerely, Amy Zehnder