Friday, January 30, 2009
Michael Steele Becomes First African-American Republican Chairman
"Also a factor in Steele's victory is the fact that he is an African American, a sign that shows the GOP is ready to change and open it's doors to be more inclusive of minorities."
Don't you love reporters? They can't think for themselves, but they sure can repeat what liberals say about Republicans.
They must have forgotten, Collin Powell, Clarence Thomas, Ken Blackwell, Condi Rice, etc., etc...
And of course the reporter is reporting on Michael Steele who, himself was the first African American elected to statewide office in a Republican.
Reporters don't let little things like facts get in the way of flashy one line zingers in support of the dems.
Stricklands education plan
Since there are sparse details about this plan, one just has to ask questions:
If we are not going to have a standardized high-school graduation test to allow students to graduate, and we are going to require all to take the ACT, will there be a score requirement to graduate?
Just taking the test means nothing.
Here's a previous post on testing.
One more thought on this. If the OEA loves this proposal, the tax payer should be very wary.
No matter how much money we throw at education (with no corresponding improvements), it will never be enough for the teacher's unions. Of course, as mentioned before, as long as the unions give campaign contributions to democrats...democrats are more than happy to take your money and give it to the unions.
Level 3 "snow emergency"
Some thoughts on this:
- There is no consistency between the levels in the different counties. Meigs (where men are still men) had no declared "emergency", though it neighbors Athens county which had a level 3, how could that be?
- Athens county has a history of inflating this "snow emergency" level in the past. Once we were in a store in Athens and they started telling us we needed to leave because we were under a level 3 emergency. It hadn't even started snowing yet! So, our new Sheriff is an improvement in this regard. He actually waited until we had winter conditions in I had a fellow at work tell me yesterday that Athens county is really bad. I asked him how he knew that and he said he heard it on the news that we were under a "level 3". I explained that every time it snows more than 2 inches we are under a level 3 and the news doesn't really understand the history. But since it's on the "news" it must be true. Kirk Greenfield (WTAP's Meteorologist) has taken great umbrage at my comments on about the "snow emergency" inflation in Athens County. His assumption was since Athens County was under a level 3, it must have been a lot worse than other local counties. This is the wrong assumption due to the above comments.
- The County Engineer would always prefer that we don't drive on the roads anytime it snows. The Sheriff needs to take this into account when he makes his decision under pressure from the Engineers office. (Come to think of it, if they could keep those pesky vehicles off the roads all year long, we'd never have a pot-hole problem.)
- There have been times where locals (driving "illegally" in a "level 3") have cut trees out of the road so the county's snow plows can make it through. I also know of an instance where "illegal" drivers pulled a Township truck from being stuck over a snow covered bank.
- We are the ones that have to attend to elderly neighbors who have no power. Generators run on gasoline. Gasoline is sold a various locations. One has to drive to get there.
- One has to drive to cut the trees off of parent's houses.
- One has to drive to take a load of firewood to neighbors who now have no electric, hence no heat.
Have we even thought about the consequences if people actually listened to the Sheriff (it's the county engineer that prods this decision, by the way) when he "declares" a "snow emergency"?
- Most commerce in southeastern Ohio would cease. We have rt 7, 50 and 33 all major highways running through Athens county. If we all followed the "rules" every semi truck (along with every car/truck heading from / to work) would stop at the county lines. How much snow removal would be happening around traffic jams.
- If we all followed the "rules" local elderly people would have died from the cold. We haven't seen the county trucks delivering firewood or meals on wheels delivering meals. Neighbors should be allowed (and if not allowed, do it anyway) to help their neighbors.
- If we followed the rules we'd have people working 24-36 hours because no one comes to work to relieve them.
- In this slow economy we are going to tell people not to go to work unless it's necessary? We don't get paid unless we go to work. Work is necessary from an economic point of view no matter what.
So, while the government and the media try to make us into whimpering, thumb sucking in the corner adolescents........some of us ignore the rules and act like men.
If we followed the "rules" we'd have a real snow emergency.
I've got an idea for Kirk Greenfield. Instead of giving the population the impression that Athens county is a lot worse off than all the neighboring counties, maybe he should ask why that all winter storms are worse in Athens county, because their "snow emergency" levels are always higher than our neighbors in bordering'd think studying this phenomenon would be a meteorologist's dream.
Got to go now, have to refill the generator, put wood in the stove. I haven't seen the government here offering to do that for me, yet.
We've turned into a nation of wimps.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Obama forget's UAW supporters
Hey UAW members, you supported this guy! Now he makes it harder and more expensive for the auto makers to sell their product. Can you imagine 50 different standards for a manufacturer to meet?
The UAW's website says "Obama plans ambitious pro-worker agenda" is this the agenda you expected?
The UAW has just now realized that Obama is not for American workers. He's for an extremist (so called) environmentalist agenda. If that hurts the auto makers, too bad.
Accorn to get millions of your tax money
This time it's ACCORN, yes the same group that is being investigated for voter fraud in many states. Of course, they support Obama, because he has and is supporting them financially with your taxes.
These folks remind me of another group from the 30's.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Tests that teachers don't like
“I’m not sure the 10th-grade exam is the best way to do that. At the 10th grade, you’re still not getting a true measure of that young person’s ability to be prepared for college work.”
Sen. Harris sounds like he's reading from the OEA website. I wish he'd leave the job of sounding like a democrat to democrats.
Also, high school is nothing more than a prep school for college? What happened to high school being a learning place on it's own merits? And you could verify the schools were doing their jobs by testing. Is this too elementary (yes, it's intended) to understand that you have to measure to gauge performance?
The Ohio Grantmaker's Forum says in a recent Dispatch story:
"The group also recommended junking Ohio's standardized high-school graduation tests. The group suggested replacing the tests with other ways to gauge critical-thinking skills and readiness for college and work."
So we want to teach kids to think (like they can't already) instead of teaching hard facts and then testing to see if they've absorbed them and how well they are being taught. But since the OEA is in business to keep folks from being held accountable, we'll just use Margaret Mead's thinking:
"The child of the future must have a open mind. The home must cease to plead an ethical cause or a religious belief with smiles or frowns, caresses or threats. The children must be taught how to think, not what to think...." Coming of Age in Somoa.
To simplify their insane ideas; 2+2=4 if you think it does.
We need testing or we'll go back to the not too distant past, when we graduated people that couldn't add or write in complete sentences.
I'd argue that a good education with hard facts....and hard tests, help kids think, not the other way around.
Yes we can, use your money to fund abortions
Obama lifts restrictions on abortion funding. 1/23/09
"When we wake up every morning to a deepening financial crisis, it is an insult to the American people to bail out the abortion industry," said Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life.
Robbin in the Hood
The Horror!
Finally some clear distinction between the parties.
The democrats want to take money from people that pay taxes and give it to people that don't pay taxes.
The GOP wants to give all taxpayers a tax break. If you don't pay taxes, you don't get a tax break. Well, how could you if you didn't pay taxes to begin with?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A few thoughts on this (Dispatch story)
Ohio requires a balanced budget. Instead of making the tough decisions (like cutting more spending!), we beg the feds to give us money. So, Ohio doesn't go into debt, the federal government does. How does this help the taxpayers?
Obama tells us not to worry about the size of government, just if it does it's job effectively. If spending our money is doing it's job, it's doing it well enough.
"$67 million for child care" so you now have to pay for your neighbor's child care. Even though you take care of your kids.
Here's another story about this "rescue package", (yes, they phrase these unconstitutional measures in such ways one has to hesitate saying anything against it. Who can be against a "rescue package"?
Why is it that Republicans sound like Republicans only after they have achieved the minority?
""We can't spend our way to prosperity," said Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich."
""Our plan offers fast-acting tax relief, not slow-moving and wasteful government spending," said House Republican Leader John Boehner."
democrats have no issues sounding like democrats regardless if they are in the majority or minority:
""These funds must be applied for, so my message is, 'Wake up, Ohio,' " Kaptur (D-Toledo) said. "If people in our communities and universities and agencies don't apply for this money, we won't get it. It will go to other states and cities. There's a great urgency for mayors and county commissioners to look at this pool of discretionary funds that must be applied for.""
Here Pig, Sooeee!!!
"Green" hypocrisy
News Buster's story
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Mr. Strickland, where's your plan?
“U.S. Rep. Ted Strickland, A Democratic Candidate For Governor, Says His Turnaround Ohio Plan Will Rescue The State's Economy.” The Columbus Dispatch, 2/25/06
We are bleeding population to other states due to Ohio having no jobs....which is due to high corporate income tax rates (ranked 48th in 2006).
Having high personal income taxes also shoves people out of Ohio. (ranked 45th)
Here is a story from the Wall Street Journal comparing Ohio and Texas.
The cause of Ohio's woes are obvious:
- High corporate income tax rates.
- High personal income tax rates.
- High death taxes.
- Unions sucking the last drop of green from the auto companies, (and the OEA sucking the green out of the taxpayers, for that matter).
- High worker's compensation costs.
- Recently increased minimum wage....which costs jobs.
It's time to lead, Governor, not beg the feds for a handout.
The media is a democrat protection machine II
It's amazing the excuses the media come up with to cover Obama from the truth.
Their reasoning is getting pretty weak, however......"as speculation that banks must raise more capital...." really, who would have guessed that? We just realized it on Obama's first day?
The real headline should have been, Obama met with Dow Jones industrial average's worst Inauguration Day history! Investors don't trust Obama.
"U.S. stocks sank Tuesday, sending the Dow Jones industrial average to its worst Inauguration Day decline, as speculation that banks must raise more capital pushed financial shares to an almost 14-year low."
Here's another story
Vinton County Marriage Licenses
- Why do newspapers think it's really important to put an occupation next to a name of one getting married? Does it really matter? If you refused to answer, would they not be as married as those that did?
- Another thought: I don't see Chuck and Larry applying for Marriage Licenses. I wonder how long before we start seeing that now that Obama is President?
The following couples filed marriage license applications during the month of December:
Change, San Francisco style
This is what happens when we elect the most liberal member of the US Senate to the Presidency.
Promote homosexuality:
"President Barack H. Obama is poised to be the most pro-homosexual chief executive in history.Unveiling his agenda Tuesday on the newly refurbished version of the White House Web site, Obama called for the repeal of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), as well as the extension of more than 1,000 federal marriage benefits and of adoption rights to homosexual couples.
In the section entitled “Support for the LGBT (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered) Community,” the Web site says Obama wants full inclusion of homosexual couples under federal law. “President Obama supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples legal rights and privileges equal to those of married couples,” the Web site says.
“Obama also believes we need to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and enact legislation that would ensure that the 1,100-plus federal legal rights and benefits currently provided on the basis of marital status are extended to same-sex couples.” the Web site says. Among those federal legal rights are the ability to file joint tax returns, own property, and buy health insurance together.
Obama also favors granting adoption rights to homosexual couples, saying that children benefit from a healthy home, regardless of whether the “parents” are homosexual or not."
Homosexuals in the military:
"The new White House site confirms that Obama plans to work towards his desire to repeal a federal law that prevents homosexuals from serving in the military. Obama says that the only test for military service should be patriotism."
Encourage drug use:
"Obama also wants to lift the federal ban on needle exchanges, which provides intravenous drug addicts with free, clean needles in an effort to ensure they abuse illegal drugs safely. “The president also supports lifting the federal ban on needle exchange, which could dramatically reduce rates of infection among drug users.”"
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Debbie Phillips, she's here to "help" you
Debbie, how about stop providing "services" and just cut our taxes and spending. We'll take care of the rest and provide our own services with our own money that we don't send to Columbus.
By the way, where's her education funding plan? Why is she waiting for uncle Ted to produce his? I thought this was important and she was going to "fix" it for us.
Athens News story
As far as keeping her finger on the pulse of the district, Phillips said she plans to meet regularly with folks within the district who are implementing programs on the ground to make sure that she’s aware of the priorities and any bureaucratic issues that may be causing problems in program implementation. The 92nd House District includes Athens, Morgan and Meigs counties, and the western part of Washington County.
“I’ve already been talking with some of the local service providers and boards that implement state programs to get their side of the fence of the priorities as we head into the budget,” Phillips said. “People are already calling and e-mailing. My office is fully involved with reaching out to state agencies and helping people resolve problems.”
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The media is a democrat protection machine
- A social worker
- A former director of Ohio's "Faith-Based Initiatives"
- An OSU faculty advisor
One thing that is not surprising is how fast the media de-linked Governor Strickland (democrat) from this story. Eric McFadden, the former director of the Governor's Office of Faith-Based Initiatives until sometime in 2007. He was appointed by Strickland....a democrat.
- How many appointees like this still work for our state government because of Strickland?
- Where was the "vetting" process?
- What ages are the kids this "social worker" works with?
- Just what is this faculty advisor advising faculty to do?
- Why isn't the media asking these questions?
Mountineer Racetrack cut 266 jobs
It's not like Ohio would keep a bank account with all the state proceeds from gambling to be used during the next economic downturn. No, everyone will have their hands in the slop bucket and it will be empty all the time. Can you imagine the OEA seeing a huge pile of money just laying in the bank collecting interest without trying to get their cut?
Mountaineer Racetrack Cuts Another 175 Jobs
Friday, January 16, 2009 – updated: 7:39 pm EST January 17, 2009
Mountaineer Casino, Racetrack & Resort officials said Friday they have reduced the facility's work force by 8.6 percent. Officials said 175 jobs have been cut.
And again in Nobember
Mountaineer Cuts 91 Jobs
You can't count on gambling to save our economy. What we need is lower taxes and spending.
Governor Strickland is a Democrat who has recently changed his mind on allowing more gambling in Ohio. He now is ok with "exploring the option".
Saturday, January 17, 2009
More Nanny State
The government needs to keep their nose out of both ends of this business and let the market run itself.
And, of course, we have the prerequisite fee. Like the one detailed in a previous post.
"Landlords must also pay a $20 landlord fee to the village to help finance the inspector’s operations. Those fees are due early this year."
You know, the fees charged by a department strictly just to fund the department, so they can hire people to collect the fees.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Rob Portman
Click here for the news release.
I found it odd that all they seemed to want to highlight was how he is liked by Democrats. Does the Ohio GOP think that if the dems like you they will vote for you? John McCain could tell them otherwise.
We don't need a compromiser. We need someone that will fight. Fight for the unborn, fight for traditional marriage, fight for lower taxes AND lower spending.
So, I'm confused about what type of Republican Portman is, is he a Rodney King type (c-can't we all just g-get along?) or is he a conservative that both walks the walks after he talks the talk?
Ohio conservatives are tired of democrat-lite Republicans.
Meigs county jobs: Good news
"POMEROY — Ohio EPA has approved a water quality certification for AMP-Ohio’s planned power plant and associated structures located in Letart Falls (Meigs County)."
Gatling investing $75 million in mine facility
"Hatcher gave Chamber members an update on the project which may see coal on the ground by the end of this week or end of January. Hatcher added there are already around 100 people working at the site and he expected around 200 total would be on the job by the first of July. There are currently 30 coal miners on site. "
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Community Initiative
Well, it looks like one of Strickland's aides beat him to our idea. "Robert Eric McFadden, the director of Strickland's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives until the fall of 2007, was arrested in Dublin this morning. McFadden, 46, lives at 6290 Hyland Drive in Dublin but was not arrested at home. McFadden is charged with seven prostitution-related counts. Among the accusations made by Columbus police: that he promoted prostitution by using online discussions to sing the praises of a prostitute who is 17 years old." "
One wonders what Faith this guy belongs to. I guess one could call this a "Community Initiative".
Strickland is a democrat. I have to tell you since the media generally only mentions a party if it's a Republican involved in something like this. I'm sure this is always just an oversight, because we know the media is not biased.
Yes we will....

"WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama will allow gays to serve openly in the military by overturning the controversial "don't ask, don't tell" policy that marred President Clinton's first days in office, according to incoming White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.
The startling pronouncement, which could re-open a dormant battle in the culture wars and distract from other elements of Obama's agenda, came during a Gibbs exchange with members of the public who sent in questions that were answered on YouTube.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Gambling Pimps
How many times do the voters have to say we don't want gambling in Ohio. Except the lottery, of course. Just a little hypocrisy, but voters have that right.
Ohio House Speaker Armond Budish
"As the beleaguered state looks for money, new House Speaker Armond Budish is willing to consider casino gambling"
Why not legalize marijuana while we're at it? We need the money, we could tax it!!!
Ohio Governor Ted Strickland
"But for Strickland, desperate times call for desperate measures. "I think it is impossible to know how deep this recession is going to be or how long it is going to last," Strickland, a Democrat, said in an interview on Thursday. "I am therefore willing to keep an open mind and listen to whatever argument that may be brought to me regarding gambling.""
So if things get bad enough, we'll legalize anything? Why not prostitution, Ted? The AFSCME union could use the new legal members and their dues could be funnelled back to you via campaign contributions.
Come on Governor, you've always been against gambling. Do your core values change this easy?
You'll notice that both of these men have already met with gambling "officials" I wonder how much campaign money they were promised?
State Representative Jennifer Garrison gets it:
"Garrison said she would be opposed to any expanded gaming in Ohio."I do not support it, and I think voters in Ohio have spoken several times now about how they feel about it," Garrison said. "There are a lot of negative impacts on communities where there is gambling."
I've got an idea if we think our tax money is shrinking: CUT SPENDING. THEN IF THAT'S NOT ENOUGH, CUT SPENDING, THEN IF THAT'S NOT ENOUGH, CUT SPENDING!
We don't need a gambling ponzi scheme that is proven to harm society.
Another reason to eliminate Townships in Ohio
I'm told an audit for a small township costs around $5,000. Multiply that by 1309 = $6,545,000. This is a very conservative figure.
So, we (taxpayers) now pay taxes to support Townships. The Townships pay (using our taxes) the State Auditor's office (which is also tax payer funded) to audit the Townships. Does this sound like an employment agency for auditors? It does to me.
I'm not suggesting that auditing is not needed. See this as an example. However, if our State Auditor Mary Taylor could focus on 88 counties (granted she would have to spend more time at the counties) instead of 1309 townships along with the 88 counties....the job would have to be easier, less costly to do and more thorough.
Townships need to be abolished.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Meigs state senator takes oath

"As part of the opening ceremonies of the 128th General Assembly, Stewart, an Albany Republican, was sworn in to represent the 20th Senate District. The event marked Stewart’s first day of a new four-year term."
AMP-Ohio plant faces another hearing
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Voinovich to announce retirement
"Ohio Republican George Voinovich is expected to announce Monday that he won't seek reelection to the Senate in 2010. A two-term senator, former governor and Cleveland mayor, Voinovich has been a political fixture in his state for decades. But recent press reports from his home state have indicated the 72-year-old lawmaker is considering retirement, and a person close to him told Politico that the announcement will come Monday."
One sick society we have.
The fact that we even need such a law makes one's stomach turn.
"Although we have a statute requiring professionals to report child abuse, recent reports indicate that some abortion facilities failed to report sexual abuse of minors by adults. This new law will clarify that a failure to report can result in recovery of damages and that evidence of a pattern of failing to report abuse can be used in a lawsuit seeking such damages," Gonidakis said."
The hypocrisy here is there for everyone to see. These monsters are too busy killing babies to report child abuse. They are committing the ultimate child abuse. THEY ARE KILLING THEM!
We, as a nation, have let 9 people, at one point in history (1973), say it is "legal" to kill babies. Even though they had no right or duty to make laws. We, the country that gained our independence by fighting the greatest military force in the world, have let 9 feeble men force a "right" down the throats of the majority which has resulted in the deaths of 49,551,703 fellow Americans. I bet the British wish they had thought of this in the early 1770's.
On the other hand, I'd bet that their morals would have let them lose a war rather than partake in a holocaust.
Just for comparison: 49, 551,703 people is equal to the current population of Denmark, Finland, Israel, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden and Bulgaria COMBINED!
We have the gall to think that Hitler was a monster.
Why it's now "Climate Change"
The "global warming" joke. Even Pravda has it right.
And you still believe what the media says? We trust them (well a smaller number everyday) to give us the truth. Now we find out they have been selling us a bunch of hot air for years. Why?

Their latest mantra is "climate change". This way they can blame man-kind when it gets warm or cold. This way they can be assured of being 100% correct vs. the 50% chance they had with "global warming.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Washington County leads Ohio in paying claims from coyote attacks

Seems pretty simple.

Friday, January 9, 2009
Strickland, Just when you get mad at him..........
Not much to comment on this. Other than why is it when we want a fiscal conservative, we have to look to Strickland?
"Gov. Ted Strickland said he will not support increases in the state's motor vehicle fuel taxes, as outlined in a task force report submitted to his office this week, and he also isn't backing down from postponing $200 million in state public works projects. "
The last time we had an economic slow time, Gov. Taft raised gas taxes and here!
The GOP needs to do what they say they will do when elected.
Another thought on this "task force". Do you ever remember a time when a "task force" supported a tax cut in their final report? No, because these "task forces" are filled with those with vested interests....interested, that is, in sucking more money out of your wallet.
Anytime you read phrases like this,
"Create a diverse and expanded portfolio of funding sources to finance all transportation modes"
or this
"Create a new bond financing program, complemented by an enhanced set
of financing tools, to provide increased and dedicated funding for all modes of transportation"
it's an attempt to divert your attention from what they really are, TAX hikes.
Here's their final report.
One of their ideas is to add a chip to your vehicle and tax you for the amount of miles you drive. On one hand this seems fair, since those who drive more potentially cause more damage to the roads. However, doesn't the gas tax accomplish this already without having George Orwell in your back seat?
Here's the paragraph:
"3. Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax:Ohioans understand that the state motor fuel tax is used to maintain roads and bridges. They know that for many years this tax has been the preferred method of funding highways in Ohio and elsewhere. As a consumption-based “user fee,” this tax collects money from those who use more motor fuel, and from those who presumably make greater use of the transportation system. Yet, consumption may not increase as fast as inflation, and therefore the purchasing power of the tax may decline over time. Also, with the increasing popularity of fuel-efficient vehicles, the yield of this tax can once again decline.
Therefore, the Task Force recommends that Ohio begin to explore moving to a vehicle-miles-of-travel (VMT) tax, which would maintain – perhaps be even more faithful to – the user-fee concept embedded in the motor fuel tax. Some states have begun to explore VMT taxes and U.S. DOT is already promoting pilot programs. In fact, Ohio has submitted a request to become one of the initial pilot states. As part of a move to a VMT tax, consideration should be given to vehicle weight, so that heavier vehicles that impose greater cost on both the highway system and the environment pay more. Most Task Force members agree that this innovative revenue generating program has substantial long-term potential."
In other words, they think they can take more of your money with a "VMT" tax vs. the current gas tax.
One last thought on "task forces". My belief is they are a waste of money. We already have experts at ODOT and our County Engineer garages (yes, I left Township garages out intentionally). Let them make their decisions without the input from folks that all want their special interests filled.
So much for not having much to say about this.............
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Strickland vetoes SB 380. Accorn will be happy!
earlier post
But since this election time confusion adds to democrat's chances of gaming the system, our Governor vetos the bill.
Accorn / Obamma / Franken ought to be proud of Ted.
Ted and Jennifer need to go.
Smaller government, less layers (No not hens)
This story made my day. We need to cut spending and here is the low hanging fruit.
Start with eliminating Townships. Townships made sense 206 years ago. Not now. Massive waste of money through duplicative work that the counties or state could take over.
Monday, January 5, 2009
We've finally found a good place for Chris Crews
OU Post story
This guy has protested more issues than our new State Representative Debbie Phillips.
He's against coal, cutting trees, new buildings, now, I have no idea what he's protesting, but at least it's not in Ohio. I wonder just how many jobs this one person has cost southeastern Ohio?
""We felt the student voice was consistently getting marginalized and the faculty weren't necessarily representing student views," when negotiating with administrators, Crews said." What is it about college students that make them think that their views matter? Maybe they should spend more time studying? You're right, of course not!
Written by Crews defending anarchy.
Here's a story where he helped sue the Federal government over logging because it might harm a bat. ""This little bat is the modern 'canary in the mine.' It indicates a serious ecological imbalance in our forests that is tied to a management bias towards commercial logging," says Chris Crews, from the Buckeye Forest Council, an Athens, Ohio organization. "The bat needs large trees in the forest, and they are being cut down.""
Here he's getting a grant for the "progressive Appalachian education center" for "arts access" from the Ohio Arts Council. Sounds like a good program to cut.
CITY : Athens - FY2008
Arts Access Grant $1,167
Crews, Chris Grants Administrator
Appalachian Progressive Education Center
132 W State St
Athens OH 45701 2245
Title: Jasmine and Juniper Musical
I thought San Fransisco would have been a better fit for him than New York, but whatever works!
Friday, January 2, 2009
This is a change Obama had nothing to do with

Treasurer Frank retires after 63 years of county service
Click on the picture from The Daily Sentinel for their story.

Blog Archive
- Michael Steele Becomes First African-American Repu...
- Stricklands education plan
- Level 3 "snow emergency"
- Obama forget's UAW supporters
- Accorn to get millions of your tax money
- Tests that teachers don't like
- Yes we can, use your money to fund abortions
- Robbin in the Hood
- "Green" hypocrisy
- Mr. Strickland, where's your plan?
- The media is a democrat protection machine II
- Vinton County Marriage Licenses
- Change, San Francisco style
- Debbie Phillips, she's here to "help" you
- The media is a democrat protection machine
- Mountineer Racetrack cut 266 jobs
- More Nanny State
- Rob Portman
- Meigs county jobs: Good news
- Community Initiative
- Yes we will....
- Gambling Pimps
- Another reason to eliminate Townships in Ohio
- Meigs state senator takes oath
- AMP-Ohio plant faces another hearing
- Voinovich to announce retirement
- One sick society we have.
- Why it's now "Climate Change"
- Washington County leads Ohio in paying claims from...
- Strickland, Just when you get mad at him..........
- Strickland vetoes SB 380. Accorn will be happy!
- Smaller government, less layers (No not hens)
- Amen!
- We've finally found a good place for Chris Crews
- This is a change Obama had nothing to do with
- Treasurer Frank retires after 63 years of county s...