Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thank Charlie Wilson for a "courageous vote"? Give me a break!

Don't you love mass emails? Even from Conservative groups?

Here's one from American Solutions....whom I agree with most of the time.

This time they want us to "thank" our Congressman Charlie Wilson for his "courageous vote".

Isn't this akin to thanking someone for stopping at a stop light? His no vote is an expectation, not a "courageous vote".

First of all, how is it "courageous" to vote for the best interests of your district? I thought that was part of the job description.

While we acknowledged Wilson's no vote here, and it was the correct vote.....Charlie Wilson has voted the wrong way multiple times, voting to increase our debt exponentially is his worst trait.....then watching him take that funny money while traveling the district, tossing it around like...well a politician buying votes, is sickening.

So, American Solutions, don't expect a letter to the editor from me.

Zach Space is a different matter. This guy can't even vote against this one job killing, electric rate hiking bill that directly negatively impacts the residents in his district.

Both of these gentlemen need a new line of work, Zach Space should look for work outside his district. He should not compete with the rest of us for the declining number of jobs in his district after he voted to kill many, many jobs.

"Even though the National Energy Tax narrowly passed the House 219-212, your member of Congress, Charles A. Wilson courageously voted "no" against this job-killing bill. In fact, he was one of 44 Democrats who voted "no."

Let's send a loud message to Congressman Wilson and thank him for standing up for his constituents and not caving in to Speaker Pelosi and the left-wing special interests.

Here's his phone number to call and thank him: 740-376-0868.

After you give him a call, please write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper to help spread the word about Congressman Wilson's courageous vote. When Congressman Wilson makes a principled vote, he needs to hear from his constituents that they support his decision.

Click here for some talking points to help you craft your thank you letter to the editor.

Thank you for making your voice heard.


Dan Varroney
Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
American Solutions

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