Monday, July 13, 2009

Another canned letter to the editor defending Zach Space

Poor Zach, he has to rely on form letters sent to supporters to send to papers giving the impression that folks really support his disastrous vote on cap and trade. You'd think they'd at least change the wording around a little to feign originality.

Previous post here.

To the Editor:

My congressman, Zack Space, has been particularly hard hit by the criticism for voting yes on the American Clean Energy and Security Act and I think it’s unjust.

This bill is investing more than $100 billion dollars in clean coal technology, thanks in large part to Congressman Space.

The 18th district is a coal-producing district.If the majority of Americans believe we should use the resources we have, as many polls show, then using the coal reserves we have should please folks.

The jobs surrounding the coal industry will be secure and it only makes sense that more jobs will come our way to convert our coal burning plants to clean coal burning energy plants.

I say the congressman is doing what is in the best interest of the district and that’s what I expect my congressman to do.

We have to break our dependence on foreign oil and we have to listen to our scientist when they sound the alarm on the effects of green house gases.

With the US being the biggest producer of green house gases we must lead the way on clean energy and we must be able to produce that clean energy right here at home.

Paul Richards

1 comment:

  1. These letter writers would condemn Charlie Wilson evidently. Maybe someone should write a good supportive letter for Charlie, explaining why the Bill did not go far enough to help the coal industry in Ohio. 100 Billion. BS. Ohio would be lucky to get a billion. Also, the millions of bucks promised for the Rt 33 Bypass is going to rural roads? Gee, isn't this where the voters live? How many votes will the local politicians get if Ohio supports all the people? Seems like Strickland and his allies know how to garnish votes as many users of 33 will be foreign or out of Athens County anyway.


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