Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Obama lied, the economy died

Remember those that said "Bush lied, people died" when no "weapons of mass destruction" were found after being told by the CIA that they were there?
(but of course they were there and were used by Hussein on the Kurds, facts and logic are inconvenient things)

Now we have Obama telling us that he was given "incomplete information" when he pushed through his and Charlie Wilson's huge deficit spending wasteful government stimulus package...without giving Congress time to read it...or Congress not demanding time to read it....the latter is more where the blame lies. Here we have the House Majority Leader (a democrat) laughing when asked why congress doesn't read bills before voting on them.

Then we have the morons in the Washington Post already starting to push for more deficit spending while "reporting".

"In light of the latest unemployment figures, there are more persistent questions coming at the administration. Did Obama and his team get it right last winter when they put together their $787 billion stimulus package, or did they undershoot? If they made a mistake, what should they do now?"

Printing $787,000,000,000 out of thin air is an "undershoot"? The soon to come massive inflation and high interest rates will make this recession look like the good old days. Obama and Carter area a lot alike.

The democrats are talking about financing our future even more by borrowing more money to spend! Of course, the media is stoking the fires as well.

Borrowing and spending money that we didn't have caused this mess. Now we think borrowing and spending will get us out? Only government could come to this conclusion.

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