Friday, July 17, 2009

Pro-abortion Zach Space

Zach Space votes 100% pro death on July 16th. What is this guy doing representing the 18th district? He votes like he represents some Massachusetts district.

Press release from Ohio Right to Life

U.S. House Approves Tax Funding of D.C. Abortions

On July 16, the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation which eliminates a long-time ban on the District of Columbia using "local tax funds" to pay for abortions. The House passed H.R. 3170, the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Bill, by a vote of 219-208.

The House Rules Committee had adopted a rule (H. Res. 644) governing consideration of the bill that did not permit a vote on an amendment to retain the funding ban. The House approved that rule on a narrow 216-213 vote.

A pro-life motion to recommit H.R. 3170 to committee with instructions to reinstate the funding ban was offered. The motion to recommit was ruled out of order. That ruling was appealed, but the sponsor of the bill moved to table (kill) the appeal. On a vote of 225-195, the motion to table the appeal was approved.

Those Ohio Representatives who voted the PRO-LIFE position AGAINST H.Res. 644 were: Steve Austria, John Boccieri, John Boehner, Steve Driehaus, Jim Jordan, Steve LaTourette, Bob Latta, Jean Schmidt, Pat Tiberi, Mike Turner, and Charlie Wilson (11).

Those Ohio Representatives who voted the PRO-ABORTION position FOR H.Res. 644 were: Marcia Fudge, Marcy Kaptur, Mary Jo Kilroy, Dennis Kucinich, Tim Ryan, Zach Space, and Betty Sutton (7).

Those Ohio Representatives who voted the PRO-LIFE position AGAINST tabling the appeal of the ruling that the motion to recommit was out of order were: Steve Austria, John Boccieri, John Boehner, Steve Driehaus, Jim Jordan, Steve LaTourette, Bob Latta, Jean Schmidt, Pat Tiberi, and Mike Turner (10).

Those Ohio Representatives who voted the PRO-ABORTION position TO table the appeal were: Marcia Fudge, Marcy Kaptur, Mary Jo Kilroy, Dennis Kucinich, Tim Ryan, Zach Space, Betty Sutton, and Charlie Wilson (8).

Those Ohio Representatives who voted the PRO-LIFE position AGAINST H.R. 3170 were: Steve Austria, John Boccieri, John Boehner, Steve Driehaus, Jim Jordan, Bob Latta, Jean Schmidt, Pat Tiberi, Mike Turner, and Charlie Wilson (10).

Those Ohio Representatives who voted the PRO-ABORTION position FOR H.R. 3170 were: Marcia Fudge, Marcy Kaptur, Mary Jo Kilroy, Dennis Kucinich, Steve LaTourette, Tim Ryan, Zach Space, and Betty Sutton (8).

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