Friday, December 4, 2009

The Ohio GOP, back to the tax raising good ole' days.

Here's the perfect time for Ohio's GOP to stand up and show the state of Ohio that they're now beyond that tax raising that they did in the past. You know, the tax raising that made the GOP base so mad that the GOP lost the governorship and eventually the house.

Now, instead of learning from their mistakes of the past, they want to resurrect Bob Taft one more time and make a deal on raising our taxes again.

Just when our economy and families need the extra money to help them get by. One does not help an economy by confiscating more money from the job creators! You don't help a state by taking money from those that contribute to society and pay taxes on their wages. You definitely don't help a state's economy by taking money from the productive members of society and giving it to the leaches on the state payroll. How does that improve our economy? It doesn't!

Dispatch story here:

"Harris, R-Ashland, has offered to provide five votes to delay the 4.2-percent income tax cut that took effect this year, in exchange for some extras"

What do you mean "offered"? How about just saying that the Senate Republicans do not believe that raising taxes on what working families we have left in Ohio is a wise or fair thing to do. Also, raising taxes on businesses is a completely insane thing to do when we actually want them to hire people. Let me explain this a little more for you tax raising Republicans in the Senate. Employers can't afford to hire more workers if they are spending their money paying taxes.

I'm not much for term limits, but since Ohio has them, how many more years does Harris have left?

Reforming construction laws in Ohio is a great idea, who's time came about 100 years ago. Why didn't the GOP tackle this when they had...let's see....the House, the Senate and the governorship???
Now we want to make deals to make this happen and our negotiating position is trading away a (GOP) promised tax cut? Give me a break!

Yes, a delayed tax cut is a tax increase! Our state government's promises are no good.

1 comment:

  1. I wish two things happened with in Ohio politics: one, Redfern took all of his socialist friends and moved to the Ohio Socialist Workers Party and set up house there, then, two, Harris could take all his friends, Husted, Austria, Stewart, to name a few, and move into ODP's headquarters so they could come out of the closet. Then those of us that believe in limited government could form a new Ohio Republican Party. ...I know what you are thinking and no I'm not smoking Meigs Gold, just dreaming.


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