Friday, December 25, 2009

Democrats to make it harder to drill for our "clean" energy source, Natural Gas

Remember awhile back I said that Natural Gas will be the next energy producer in their sights?

First go after "dirty" coal. Now they are going after what they used to call the clean alternative, natural gas.

This is what we get for voting these anti-American socialists into office.


  1. Merry Christmas.

    You do know that in Ohio, Republican Tim Grendell, and other Republicans, are in large part the individuals pushing for tougher restrictions and regulations on this? I'm a Democrat and support these moves, but thought the status of this issue in NE Ohio might interest you.

  2. We are an equal opportunity blog. not exactly happy with the GOP either.

  3. I appreciate that - just wanted to be sure that for this particular topic, about which I know a bit since I'm a newly elected council member for a small city that is near Grendell's district, you were aware that here in Ohio, the GOP has had a very big hand in eroding local control over drilling AND over trying to regain control.

    Happy New Year.

  4. Jill we can be assured there isn't much you don't know about...LOL.


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