Thursday, March 19, 2009

Class envy Bolshevik / AIG style

New York Times Web log of the AIG hearing.

Thoughts on this:

  • These employees were offered bonuses last year, before AIG took tax money.
  • AIG was contractually obligated to pay.
  • How much money would the tax payers have to pay to fight lawsuits when AIG did not follow through with their commitments to pay these bonuses?
  • The media is stoking class envy.
  • Charlie Wilson is stoking class envy.
  • Republicans are stoking class envy for political gain.
  • So are the dems.
  • Christopher Dodd got us into this mess to begin with with his desire for less regulation on Freddie / Fannie Mae.
  • Christopher Dodd lied (again) about not putting wording in the conference bill to allow these bonuses to proceed.
  • Dodd admits he inserted this wording, a day after he said he didn't.
  • Obama and his administration requested Dodd insert this wording so lawsuits would be avoided.
  • Obama used much hubris and anger about these bonuses, when he not only previously knew about them, but had Dodd actually insert the wording in the bill to allow it to happen!
  • I would have gained much respect for Obama (starting at none) if he would have manned up and said he requested this wording and here are the reasons. No such luck. Mr. Bush would have been honest, to heck with the poll numbers.
  • Where's the media? This lays at Obama's feet and he's (today) talking about immigration reform? The media have been neutered.
  • Are we so dumb to forget history when it comes to stoked class hatred? Remember Russia in 1917? Remember the Cultural Revolution in China? Cambodia? All started because someone had more "stuff" than someone else.
  • Are the 10 Commandments no longer relevant? "Neither shalt thou desire thy neighbour's wife, neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, or his manservant, or his maidservant, his ox, or his ass, or any thing that is thy neighbour's."
  • Lastly, again using Lenin's quote about the media:

"The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses." Vladimir Lenin

1 comment:

  1. While it's true that the GOP is criticizing AIG for it's bonuses.....they have earned that right by not voting for these bailout bills to begin with.


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