Saturday, May 9, 2009

Charlie Wilson = Karl Marx

Ironton Tribune story:

"The program will allow an average investment of up to $6,500 per home in energy efficiency upgrades. Funding is only available for families making up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level — around $44,000 a year for a family of four."

Did you know that making more than $44,000 a year makes you rich? Or that making less than $44,000 a year makes you poor?

Our democrat Socialist Congressman Charlie Wilson is making a career of dividing us up based on income.

Here he's touting the benefits of taking money (taxes) from those that make more than $44,000 per year and giving it to folks that make less than $44,000 per year.

Now he's all puffed up about his hand in making folks that earn more than $44,000 per year pay to install insulation in the homes of those that make less than $44,000 per year.

As much as I try, I still can't find where that's allowable in the Constitution. I do find the idea encouraged in the Communist Manifesto, however.

1 comment:

  1. I will be sure to make sure that my reported annual income is less than $44K per year, and I also plan to avoid my share of tax payments being proposed by the Sheriff of Nottingham, et. al.

    I wonder what would happen if there were no such tax anomalies such as income withholding, an illegal mechanism where Government gets mucho dollars a year before they are legally due, interest free, when the wage earner could use that money to survive the economic halocaust from lay offs or job attrition?

    In my opinion, it is time for a taxpayer revolt. Italian relative of mine, Luigi, he say "They canna notta spenda da moola if da employers justa refusea to withaholda it!" Best way to accomplish this? Everyone claim the maximum exemptions possible on their W-4s. Oops, could this be considered a "hate mail" against the government?

    Claiming the maxium exemptions allows one to claim the people who receive handouts as a dependent, and Congress has legally designated them so.

    Therefore, we should find out how much of tax dollars withheld plus interest supports the guy under 44000 per year, and claim that guy or gal as an exemption!

    Plan appears flawless to me.

    In other words the taxpayer uses the money for a year or so before Uncle Fudge unconstitutionally seizes it.


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