Monday, June 8, 2009

George Orwell, alive and well

How can you have it both ways?

State that you are going to "create OR save jobs". How can you measure "saved" jobs? You can't.

But here you have Reuters bleating Obama's talking points instead of asking, just how do you measure "saved" jobs?

I guess I'm going to start stating that I "saved" 1,000,000 jobs. This would have just as much credibility as Obama's false promise and funny accounting of "saving" jobs.

Again, media silence.

Can someone make sense of these two sentences from this "story"?

  • "Biden said on May 13 over 150,000 jobs had been saved or created in the act's first 77 days."
  • "The U.S. economy has lost 6.0 million jobs, including 2.9 million this year, since the recession began in December 2007."
So which is it?

The truth is the unemployment rate is up to 9.4%, the highest in 25 years. All under the democrat party's watch. The unemployment rate continues to rise, no matter how many jobs Obama claims to have saved. If he's actually saving jobs, wouldn't the rate go down?

All Reuters can do is a puff piece on Obama supposedly "saving" jobs. George Orwell is alive and well!

This reminds me of the EnviroNazis' change in terminology from "global warming" to "climate change".... you know, so they can always guess right. Their "global warming" bologna quit working when the earth actually started cooling.

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