Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The media Obama lap dogs need to get their stories straight

In their haste to bow down to the Obama and worship, they are giving conflicting fawning stories about what his holiness is doing and saying.

On the one hand you have the newly fiscal conservative obama. He is now "concerned" about our deficit that he and Charlie Wilson forced on us. After raising deficit spending to record heights, now he's "concerned".

"President Barack Obama on Tuesday challenged Congress to pay for new increases in federal benefit programs as it goes rather than sink the nation deeper into a debt, calling it a matter of public responsibility. Republicans lashed back that Obama is no voice of fiscal restraint as the deficit soars.The president's plan would require Congress to pay for new entitlement spending, such as health care, by raising taxes or coming up with budget cuts — a "pay-as-you-go" system that would have the force of law"

Then on the same day he says it's OK to go deeper in debt, as long as he agrees with what the new deficit spending will go for. In other words, it's OK for him to spend like a drunken sailor for things he wants (to pay back his supporters), but the rest of us need to suck it up.

"President Barack Obama on Tuesday proposed budget rules that would allow Congress to borrow tens of billions of dollars and put the nation deeper in debt to jump-start the administration's emerging health care overhaul."

I'm beginning to like Eric Cantor more all the time:

"It's as if the administration and these Democrat leaders are living in an alternate universe," said House Republican Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia. "The quickest way to save money is to stop recklessly spending it."

""It seems a tad disingenuous for the president and Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi to talk about PAYGO rules after ramming trillions in spending through Congress proposing policies that create more debt in the first six months of this year than in the previous 220 years combined," said Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House Minority Whip."

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