Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jeanette Moll is right

Jeanette Moll's recent letter to the editor, this one in the Athens News.

She is correct that Notre Dame should not have invited our abortion President to speak, but follow this further and you'll find a vast left wing hypocrisy.

Here we have Obama telling us that we are going to quit being mean to Muslim Terrorists that want to kill us, because it's "immoral".

Yet at the same time he is supporting and promoting abortion here and worldwide with your tax money.

He invites all kinds of sexually confused perverts to the White House "Easter" Egg roll.....but he uses morality as the reason why we can't yell at terrorists who want to slit our throats. (Easter Egg is in quotations because eggs have as much to do with Easter as Santa Claus has with Christmas...nothing)

Silence from the so called media.

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