Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How's this for an Attorney General candidate?

Someone that's not afraid to say what he thinks!

Dave Yost, GOP candidate for Attorney General writes this concerning the 2nd Amendment.

Joe Foss couldn't have said it any better.

1 comment:

  1. I have met Dave Yost, and I cannot think of a more qualified man to be our State of Ohio Attorney General.

    Visit his website for my comments concerning the politicians attack on our Bill of Rights under the Constitution of the United States. These people have their own agenda. They do not speak for me or any others when it comes to changing the Constitution without the unanimous consent of the people.

    Any politician who does so or tries to do so is an enemy of the people nd should be dealt with accordingly.
    All citizens should not arm themselves and proceed to maintain the same kind of vigil as we did against King George in the 1st American Revolution. Seems to me that any politician trying to sign off changes to the Constitution is a damned traitor and should be placed on trial for Treason.


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