Sunday, January 9, 2011

You can't melt paper dollars

The US government (Federal Reserve) is really smart.

OK, They are really devious and dishonest.

Here is a story of the Indian Government arresting a smart man. His crime? Melting some of his own currency, yes, he owned it....even if it was issued by his government.

The reason he was melting it is because it is worth more as pure silver than the face value of the coin.

Back to the comment about our government being dishonest and devious. They quit making coins with silver in 1964 (90%) and 1969 (40%).

So, our money is absolutely worthless. It's made of nothing. Our coins are made of junk metals that are worth much less than the face value of the coin. How is this honest?

See Coinflation's website to see just what a dime is really worth.

But, we have went one step further, we have issued paper money. Nothing backs it up!

This is the same government that is going to borrow itself out of debt. This ponzi scheme will come to and end.

The Federal Reserve is the legal mafia. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson were right in being afraid of a central bank. Ron Paul is right to try to abolish it.

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