Monday, June 28, 2010

Liberals' view of self defense in a nut shell

I've never heard it said by a liberal in such an open and honest manner.

"In his dissenting judgment, Breyer said there was no consensus over a fundamental right to self-defence. "The historical evidence is, at most, ambiguous.""

These people really do believe that you have no right to self defense.

Thanks to President Bush (via his legacy, Supreme Court Justice nominees) the Supreme Court decided that we actually do have a right to self defense.

"In their majority opinion, the five conservative supreme court judges, led by Justice Samuel Alito, said that the Chicago handgun ban was unconstitutional because it breached the right of the individual to own guns in his or her own home. "Self-defence is a basic right, recognised by many legal systems from ancient times to the present, and individual self-defence is the central component of the Second Amendment", the opinion says."

On a side note, how far have we digressed that we actually have to have an argument like this?

Didn't we fight the British to prove that these rights were not given by the government (which can take them away) but were God given?....meaning, of course, the government can't take them away.

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