Sunday, March 21, 2010

Charlie Wilson: Who's to blame for this pro-abortion "health care bill"??

When he votes for this bill, he will "own it" just as much as barry does.

All he has to do is vote no. But he won't. He's tied at the hip with our embarrassment in chief to grow a back bone of his own and vote to protect his district from this monstrous, debt increasing, states rights infringing, baby killing bill.

Charlie Wilson is no "conservative pro-life democrat". He will vote exactly like Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco.

He will be voting to use your tax money to kill babies. What has our country come to when our representative can justify killing innocent babies because he thinks this bill has some good things in it. I say "he thinks" because he hasn't read it. No one has had time to read it. Yet, he'll vote for it.

He is going to vote for a bill that is unconstitutional. No where is this allowed in the constitution. The 10th Amendment specifically denies it. He swore to uphold the constitution, yet he is going to lie to us with this one vote.

He is going to force young people to pay thousands for health insurance, even though this is one group that does not need it. It's a choice that needs left up to individuals, not government. Then if folks don't get insurance, they'll pay a fine. The fine will be small enough that many will just pay the fine rather than the thousands for the privilege of being in a government run health care system. Then, when these people that don't get insurance do get sick, they can just start paying premiums and get their sickness taken care of. No insurance will be able to deny them insurance due to the law (Wilson will vote for) which will not let people with "pre-existing" conditions be denied insurance. HMM... this is going to save money how???

I could go on. This can be summed up with this: Bad bill + horrible representation = bad law.

1 comment:

  1. loydho:

    While this bill isn’t a slam-dunk against the pro-life cause, it will have an effect nonetheless. We’ll have to see if the 6th District’s pro-life beliefs will out way their incessant need to receive handouts when we go to the voting booth and decide Charlie Wilson’s fate.
