Saturday, October 31, 2009

Barry Orwell

Orwellian talk is alive and well.

obama says he created OR saved (you can't qualify this, so you can put any number you want after "saved") 1 million jobs.

However, the unemployment rate is the highest it's been in 26 years @ 9.8%. Remember, this 9.8% is just the number of people on unemployment. It does not count those that have "timed out" of our socialist system. Some speculate that the real number of unemployed is around 25%.

So, I can say, with a straight face (since the media is letting barry do it) that I saved 20 jobs yesterday. No, you can't measure it and I can't prove it. However, it sure works when bad unemployment numbers come out and I can use this to deflect some of the criticism....with, of course, the lap dog media.

When the stories should be about verifiable unemployment numbers increasing. The media use barry's spoon fed story about creating or saving jobs as a headline, then put the real story buried deep in this story about unemployment rising. Even Fox News fell for this one.

On another note, how did barry "save" these jobs? Put it in a different but still accurate perspective. What would you think if I stole $25,000 from you and gave it to others (you know, my friends and supporters) and called it "saving" jobs. That's exactly what Charlie Wilson and our mistake in chief has done to you and your kids / grandchildren. We'll be paying for his payoff of his supporters with your money for generations.

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