Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The 2nd thing I can agree with Barry about

I forget the first thing...

Nuclear power is absolutely the correct energy source to support.

Story here. I'm sure the EnviroNazis will be upset with the Messiah on this.


  1. Everyone has to be right some of the time even if they're wrong most of the time. Seems like the Pesident is finally trying to get the right train off the wrong track.

    He is finally getting the big picture, and some support should be tendered his way.

  2. While I agree and have been an advocate for nuclear, I do know we (south eastern Ohio) got royally screwed because we have the coal in the ground and the water on the Ohio to produce electricity through a clean burning coal plant.

    Barry's plan to integrate nuclear will take way too long because of the long established regulations, even if the Nazis in the Sierra Club and the Environmental Defense Fund have mysteriously changed their tune.

    The real course for Ohio should have been coal, but thanks to Space, Wilson, Phillips, Stewart, Strickland, Brown, Vionovich, to name a few, who turned their back on Ohio in favor of the Nazis. We could have had a coal burning plant built and up and running years before the first nuclear gets going.

    But at least China isn't following Barry's anti-coal plan. They are mining coal and building coal plants like gang busters, which are all powering the new GM factories. Invest in China folks because there is nothing to invest in here.

    Hey, has anyone heard about the natural gas plant Phillips promised instead of the coal plant?
