Sunday, December 15, 2013

It's official, the GOP is dead from a thousand (self inflicted) cuts

Here's the latest example that there is absolutely no difference between the two major political parties. 

The budget sequester actually held spending on some items to certain levels.  Now the GOP led the effort to cut the cuts.  In other words, increase spending.

We Give Up! Part 2: Republicans Cave On Budget, Debt Limit, Everything
So there really is no difference between the parties.  Of course, our so called Representative Bill Johnson voted for this massive spending increase.

Previous posts on Congressman Bill Johnson:

Another item that proves to me that the GOP is brain dead is the cuts to military retirements.  The one group that actually supports the GOP consistently and in large percentages!

This is a dumb idea not because it's a bad thing to cut spending.  However, this is a broken promise and these folks have already served and were told this is what the pay would be .  If you want to make a change like this, do it with people that are enlisting today, so they will know what to expect in the future, then they can have good information for their decision.  Making this type of cut after folks are getting ready to retire or are actually already retired is wrong.

Cutting 1% of a person's retirement is huge.  It depends on how long you are retired as to the amount of loss.  30 years = 30%

Of course this is based on a retirement who's cost of living adjustments are based on the government's reported inflation numbers.....which are a lie.

So now, with the help of Congressman Bill Johnson, we have cut their already promised retirement pay and on the other end, use fraudulent inflation numbers to keep cost of living increased below the real inflation rate, another cut.

But we can now increase spending on other vote buying schemes on the back of military retirees.

So now do you understand when I say the GOP is brain dead?  They cut retirement funding for one group of their strongest supporters so the democrats can increase spending for their government leaches / parasites groups.

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