Sunday, November 8, 2009

Napolitano Warns Against Anti-Muslim Backlash

Fox News story here:

Yep, we should worry about a backlash. The Muslims are engaged in a war against this country and we want to be careful not to get them upset.

They've flew airplanes full of people into buildings full of people, they cut off heads, they walk into crowds and detonate explosives, they enlist in our armed forces and kill our soldiers from the inside.

Yet, we don't want to upset them.

It's time we kicked them out, back to their beach front property in Arabia.......just like the Spanish did the Muslim Moors. Spain finally got to the point where they worried about their own country and religion more than the feelings of those killing them.

Of course, it's hard to do this when our country's president is a muslim as well. We shouldn't expect any tough actions against this satanic religion while we have an ardent in office.

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