Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Media=Idiots / Idiots = Media

Here's an Associated "press" "story".

It's related to Idaho passing a bill directing their Attorney General to sue the Federal Government when / if "health care" is passed.

This is the sentence that really proves that the media have no clue about our government or our Constitution.

"Constitutional law experts say the move is mostly symbolic because federal laws supersede those of the states."

Two thoughts:

  1. You don't have to be a "constitutional law expert" (whatever that is) to know that the federal government only have specified (in the constitution) powers. If they are not specified in the constitution (see 10th amendment) they have no power over the states. (of course the states let themselves be rolled by the feds because the fed can print their own money and bride states to go along with dumb and totalitarian ideas.
  2. Anyone can hire an "expert" on any subject with any view point you want to pay for.
One more reason no one takes the so called media serious.

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